14.06.2024 to 14.06.2024 - MQ Forecourt WIENER FESTWOCHEN: Box of Truth FREE ENTRY, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC, LEISURE & OUTDOOR WIENER FESTWOCHEN Box of Truth Fri 14.06., 17h l MQ Forecourt, free admission
Anita Fuchs: Meadow vernissage
05.06.2024 to 05.06.2024 - MQ Forecourt Host: MQ Cultural Tenants Anita Fuchs: Meadow vernissage FREE ENTRY, ART, LEISURE & OUTDOOR Anita Fuchs: Wiesen-Vernissage Wed 05.06.204, 18h | MQ Forecourt Simon
03.05.2024 to 06.05.2024 - Dschungel Wien RANGELN CHILDREN & FAMILY, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC buy ticket Fri 03. to Mon 06.05., performance with music I have so much energy that I could burst! We wrestle
eSeL ABC feat. .aufzeichnensysteme c/o Hanne Römer
Edition” 05.06. – 28.07.2024 | eSeL REZEPTION Eröffnung mit Lesung: 11.06.2024, 18h The exhibition will be open for the joint opening evening of the MQ Schauräume on Wednesday, 05.06.2024, 18h . The opening [...] 05.06.2024 to 28.07.2024 - eSeL REZEPTION Host: MQ Cultural Tenants eSeL ABC feat. .aufzeichnensysteme c/o Hanne Römer FREE ENTRY, ART eSeL ABC feat. .aufzeichnensysteme c/o Hanne Römer “.aufzeichnensysteme [...] opening with a reading by the artist will take place on Tuesday, 11.06.2024, 18h. In 2024, eSeL REZEPTION invites seven illustrators and artists to visually comment on 26 vocabulary words (from A-Z) from the
Obstacles in our sky
03.04.2024 to 06.04.2024 - Dschungel Wien Obstacles in our sky CHILDREN & FAMILY, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC buy ticket Since time immemorial, people have had the desire to be able to explain their tangled
03.04.2024 to 07.04.2024 - Dschungel Wien Wind CHILDREN & FAMILY, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC buy ticket First it whispers, pulls, whistles, rushes, pushes, rages. Then nothing. When I meet the south wind
Nicholas Grafia & Mikołaj Sobczak: Rooms
19.06.2024 to 19.06.2024 - Kunsthalle Wien Nicholas Grafia & Mikołaj Sobczak: Rooms ART, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC Wed 19.06., 20h, Performance The artists Nicholas Grafia and Mikołaj Sobczak will present
24.05.2024 to 14.06.2024 - MQ Main Courtyard Host: Halle E+G BOX OF TRUTH FREE ENTRY, LITERATURE & DISCOURSE, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC Wiener Festwochen 2024 Fri 24.05., 07. & 14.06., 17h, Performance The
Susanne Songi Griem mit Yuwol June C., Hui Ye und Bella Diablo: Hanging Out (Change of Seasons)
07.06.2024 to 08.06.2024 - Tanzquartier Wien Susanne Songi Griem mit Yuwol June C., Hui Ye und Bella Diablo: Hanging Out (Change of Seasons) DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC buy ticket Fri 07. & Sat 08.06., 19
Domenico Cimarosa - L'Olimpiade
31.03.2024 to 31.03.2024 - Halle E+G Domenico Cimarosa - L'Olimpiade DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC buy ticket Show dates Date sun, 31.03.2024 19.00 h All dates • Days with event You have selected the following [...] following event: Add to the calendar March 2024 01 fri 02 sat 03 sun 04 mo 05 tue 06 wed 07 thu 08 fri 09 sat 10 sun 11 mo 12 tue 13 wed 14 thu 15 fri 16 sat 17 sun 18 mo 19 tue 20 wed 21 thu 22 fri 23 sat 24