MQ Art Box
The MQ ART BOX in the Main Courtyard of MuseumsQuartier Wien features temporary installations by contemporary artists. The transparent art space interacts with the public realm. The exhibition program offers insights into contemporary artistic practices and fields of discourse.
daily 00:00-24:00h at the MQ Main Courtyard, free admission
Fabian Seiz
Speechless Signs
Opening: Wed 19.02.2025, 18h
20.02. – 18.05.2025
MQ Art Box
In his sculptures and installations, Fabian Seiz transforms everyday, often used or discarded objects and materials into an artistic reflection on time, transience and the meaning of form and content. A central theme of his practice is memory - not as a static archive, but as a dynamic, constantly changing process. This is also reflected in his working method, which encompasses conservation as well as destruction and recycling. His early work is also used as material for new works, giving his art itself a circular structure. At the same time, he reflects in his works on the social and aesthetic significance of the materials he uses, deliberately drawing on “democratic” materials such as pressboard or newspapers. His sculptures invite observers to discover the stories and meanings behind everyday objects, questioning the mechanisms of mass production, consumption and memory.