04.05.2023 to 05.05.2023 - Tanzquartier Wien
Sandra Chatterjee: Class / Movement / Smells of Labour

How can we listen to a smell? What do we hear when we listen to the smell of sweat? How can we dance to the smell of sweat, and to what end?
Through a joint exploration of the method of movement improvisation stimulated by various smells (from sandalwood or coffee to garlic and sweat), which Sandra Chatterjee has been developing since 2019, workshop participants will be invited to engage with research materials and questions around dance, class, labour, and decolonising approaches to dance. The workshop will combine moving (to smells), discussing, reflecting, and sharing movement practices.
In English, Registration: Class / Movement / Smells of Labour
Tanzquartier Wien
opening hours
mo-fri: | 9 – 19.30h |
sat: | 10 – 19.30h |
sun: | closed |
Tanzquartier Wien GmbH
Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-581 35 91