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Space for Poetical Matters.
Antichambre, the anteroom of Design Duo Jutta Wacht and René Poell, aka Say Say Say, Inc., with temporary installations.

[Antichambre (it./fr.): antechamber / audience waiting room in a castle / a square antechamber with a single pillar in Egyptian pyramid complexes]


Skulptur ähnlich einer Schachfigur in silberbraun mit gelbem und grünem Ring als KOpf vor einer beigen Vorhangwand
Glitzernder Hintergrund
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ASIFA Austria’s showroom interfacing animation and fine arts presenting selected examples of Austrian and international installations connected to animation in a diversified sequence of artist-portrayals. ASIFA Austria is the autonomic national organisation of ASIFA, the Association Internationale du Film d’Animation.

Broken Rules

Computer games are one of the youngest forms of digital culture. There are big players and convinced independents. Broken Rules are Indie Game makers. They collaborate and cooperate with artists of such diverse areas as music, acting and illustration, to realize virtual worlds.


A passageway whose walls and ceilings were uniformly coated with hammer finish paint by Hans Schabus, a paint that is primarily used in machine manufacturing. The color reseda green makes reference to Otto Wagner's Stadtbahn and connects the different elements to form a broad overall space.

Walther Koenig Books

Walther Koenig Books is a bookstore with a wide international stock of titles on modern and contemporary art, catalogues, art history, architecture, arts and crafts, design, fashion, photography, film and theory. Walther Koenig Books at MuseumsQuartier closely cooperates with the headquarters in Cologne.


A room for interaction of various disciplines and genres. A place for activities and events, an intermediate space of design and fine arts. Temporary exhibitions of two-dimensional format – paintings, photography, illustrations and commercial arts, as well as exciting collections from new designers to be shown temporarily.

designforum Wien

designforum Wien is a service, information, and competence center. Conceived as a place of dialogue, designforum promotes the outspoken contemplation of design. It views itself as a place offering opportunities to analyze, compile, and prepare design-relevant themes for a broad public, present them in various forms, and discuss them.


EDUCULT is an independent non-profit institute for practical research, information and competent cultural management in the areas of culture and education. We connect culture, education and politics in theory and practice. We place great importance on dialogue, participation, proximity to actors and sustainable processes. Our interdisciplinary skills and an international network of experts allow us to consider individual requirements in the creation of tailored concepts.


EIKON is a quality international magazine, published quarterly and exploring photography and media art. Ever since its founding in 1991, the magazine has featured well-researched articles as well as extensive illustrations in each issue, around 90 pages in length. The journal is published by the Österreichisches Institut für Photographie und Medienkunst (ÖIP). The journal appears in both German and English.

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EIKON Schauraum

The EIKON Schauraum is curated and managed by EIKON – International Magazine for Photography and Media Art. As an extension of the magazine, which has been appearing quarterly since 1991, the showroom provides a presentation and networking platform, where regularly changing exhibitions and public discussions will take place.


eSeL REZEPTION is both workspace and showroom for the popular info hub and art calendar The team of eSeL keep up with all the openings and events of the Vienna art scene. In addition to providing catalogues and information on all important exhibitions, eSeL offers photographic insight and inside tips on museums, cultural institutions artist-run spaces and art communities in Vienna.
With its editions and affordable unique copies, the showroom explores how art can have an impact on society. Based on the eSeL photographs, the ‘eSeL gallery of usage rights’ discusses an approach to the ownership of images in the digital age.

eSeL Hochstallungen

The ‘eSeL Hochstallungen’ on the upper floor of the Q21 showrooms serve as a community meeting spot, an editorial office for the blogging network #eSeLSCHWARM and a photographic studio for eSeL art projects.

Fulbright Austria

The purpose of the Fulbright Program is to promote 'mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the peoples of other countries'. The Fulbright Program provides grants for Austrian graduates or scholars to study, teach, or pursue research in the U.S., and for U.S. citizens to engage in similar activities in Austria.

Hermes Baby

Hermes Baby is a group of authors, organised as an agency, which aims at promoting narrative journalism and documentaries and true stories in the sense of creative non-fiction in the German-speaking area. Members not only contribute articles to news media such as DIE ZEIT, SZ-Magazin, Süddeutsche Zeitung etc. on a regular basis, but they also experiment with new narrative styles using literature, art, performance, music, film, photography and all other cultural and representative techniques. Together with artists and other people, they search for new forms of creative expression.

Red Hermes Baby typewriter on a wet road
Team photo of Hermes Baby: six people sitting around a table
Black and white photograph of a Hermes Baby typewriter

ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival

Every summer, ImpulsTanz, Europe’s biggest festival of its kind, makes contemporary dance come alive in all its facets – for people to watch and experience at the MuseumsQuartier and Vienna’s biggest stages, and to dance away during the many workshops at the Vienna Arsenal and at the legendary parties at the Burgtheater Vestibül and the Kasino on Schwarzenbergplatz.

insert (Theaterverein)

insert (Theaterverein) are Doris Uhlich (choreographer, dancer, performer) and her production team Christine Sbaschnigg (management, production) and Theresa Rauter (production). insert’s projects are contemporary dance performances with varying contents, functions and people.

MQ Pop-Up Schauraum

The MQ Pop-Up Showroom regularly presents exhibitions that focus on the Artist-in-Residence program. This program offers artists from all over the world the opportunity to work and live in the MuseumsQuartier for a certain period of time. The results of these residencies are then presented in the showroom.
Through these exhibitions, both established and emerging artists are encouraged to bring new perspectives and impulses to the art scene. The showroom thus offers a platform for the exchange of ideas and the dialogue between artists and the public.
The exhibitions in the MQ Pop-Up Showroom are always a special experience and offer an insight into current developments in the art scene. Visitors can look forward to inspiring and diverse works of art.

KABINETT comic passage

In the KABINETT comic passage located in the passage between Mariahilfer Strasse and Fürstenhof exhibitions dedicated to various forms of the combination of words and images (in common parlance: comics) are held. The passage comprises two and a half gallery spaces and a vending machine containing the publications accompanying the exhibitions.

Artist-in-Residence Studios

Since October 2002, international artists who do not normally reside in Austria have the opportunity to live and work at MQ as Artists-in-Residence.


The Vienna-based creative company Lumine stages projections holistically, from the idea to the actual experience. With large-scale, custom-made panoramic projections and 3D video mappings adapted to the architecture, buildings and rooms have been effectively lit for more than two decades. In addition to conception and technical planning, the focus is on the artistic implementation for art and cultural events.


The Literaturpassage is one of the artistic passages in the MuseumsQuartier Wien, curated by students of the Institute for Language Arts at the Angewandte. Under the title Transit, the Passage 2023 will function as a place of change. Poetic attacks, aesthetic manipulation. A:r visitor:in enters the passage and leaves it as an other. Whether communication with other languages, putting familiar places in and out of context, or the literarization of the material concrete found in the MuseumsQuartier. The rivals of fiction and reality compete against each other, a game of chance. In addition to the vending machine, the wall newspaper and the showcases, which are re-equipped every three months, flanking events and readings take place whenever possible.
Curator:s: Talie Bühl, Grace Oberholzer, Sara Schmiedl, Mariia Arson, Leonie Ziem
Project support: Univ.-Prof. MA Gerhild Steinbuch, Director of the Institute for Language Arts

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The Meteoritenpassage connects the MQ directly and symbolically with the neighboring Museum of Natural History. The central theme of the passage explores how present-day scientific museums evolved out of 18th- and 19th-century mineral collections and classification systems. Each poster from the on-site vending machine comes with a changing artistic miniature booklet.


monochrom is an art-technology-philosophy group of basket weaving enthusiasts and theory do-it-yourselfers. monochrom is an unpeculiar mixture of proto-aesthetic fringe work, pop attitude, subcultural science and political activism. monochrom publishes the book of the same name in addition to its activity in other areas. monochrom is an open field of experimentation.


The MQ ART BOX in the main courtyard of the MuseumsQuartier Wien shows changing installations by contemporary artists. The transparent art space interacts with the public space and reflects the diversity of the MQ area.
With a focus on young Austrian art, the exhibition programme under the artistic direction of Elisabeth Hajek offers insights into contemporary artistic practices and fields of discourse.

Opening hours: Mon thru Sun: 00:00–24:00

MQ Freiraum

Exhibitions of contemporary art are presented in the exhibition space of the MuseumsQuartier Wien, the MQ Freiraum, in the baroque Fischer-von-Erlach Wing. The focus is on video works, installations and art that deals with socio-political issues.

Tickets: €5 regular, €3 reduced
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 10-18h

With the kind support of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.

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Exhibitions of contemporary art are presented in the two exhibition spaces of the MuseumsQuartier Wien, the MQ Freiraum and the MQ Salon, in the baroque Fischer-von-Erlach Wing. The focus is on video works, installations and art that deals with socio-political issues.

Tickets: €10 regular, €5 reduced
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 11-19h

With the kind support of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.

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The festival for digital arts and cultures has been taking place every year since 2006 in September. It offers exhibitions, symposia, workshops, performances, film series and concerts. paraflows sees itself as a platform for the young, local scene of digital art and cultures and acts as an interface to international projects. The festival devotes itself annually to a changing focus.


Designed after the artistic concept of Christoph Meier, the PERFORMANCE PASSAGE appears doubled by an entirely mirrored ceiling. Just like in front of the wall of a dance studio or the ceiling of a discotheque anyone can be a performer here, anyone can observe themselves. The installation concept, conceived and curated by Andrea Maurer, aims for a situational intervention, expanding the mirrored space through a linguistic-experimental, poetic dimension.


Analog Photo Booth from the Sixties at MQ Main Court. After Andy Warhol, Samuel Becket, Alberto Giacometti or André Breton: become a do-it-yourself artist and get your black and white picture taken. Let your imagination run free in the intimate atmosphere of the unique analog photo booth.

Raum D / Q21

The „Quartier für Digitale Kultur“ (QDK) and the Q21 jointly operate a fully equipped event and discourse room for digital culture topics and projects. The room is also available for co-operation projects designed by groups, initiatives and institutions that are not QDK members.

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Say Say Say, Inc.

Say Say Say, Inc.
Studio for Imagination
Say Say Say, Inc. is an experimental design practice based in the MuseumsQuartier Wien and in Hell’s Kitchen, New York. Run by Art Directors Jutta Wacht and René Poell, the studio explores codes, sensations, and objects of the present and past to transform them into new visual possibilities and future design languages. A multisensory combinatory play that moves between sensuality, logic, aesthetics, technology, pop culture, and philosophy.

Instagram & Twitter: @saysaysayinc

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image and text

SCHAURAUM Angewandte

The Schauraum Angewandte is hosted by the University of Applied Arts Vienna as a display for current artistic practices. Students and emerging artists with a connection to the Angewandte provide insights into their artistic processes and positioning in the context of changing exhibitions and diverse presentation formats. Curated at the Department of Digital Arts / UBERMORGEN.

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MQ Showrooms

Run by Q21 tenants, small exhibition spaces (showrooms) or offices in the publicly accessible indoor area on the ground floor of the baroque Fischer von Erlach Wing, are open daily from 10 am to 10 pm.


Johannes Schlebrügge founded the publishing house SCHLEBRÜGGE.EDITOR in 2002. In addition to art catalogues, Schlebrügge publishes art books and artists’ books that are developed as projects in close collaboration with the artists and authors.

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springerin is a magazine for criticism and theory on contemporary culture and is conceived for a readership that perceives culture as a social and political phenomenon. springerin provides information on current events and trends in the arts business and describes their conditions and meanings.


SRA was founded in 1993 and has been providing free information on Austrian pop music to the public for more than 20 years. Artists represented range from Joe Zawinul to Marianne Mendt, from Electric Indigo to Kruder & Dorfmeister, from Texta to EsRap, from Anna F. to My Ugly Clementine to Soap&Skin. In a database encompassing more than 760.000
records (approx. 22.000 acts, more than 190.000 songs, 36.000 people etc.), SRA offers comprehensive information on artists of the past and present. In addition to the public archive and online database (, the information office also functions as a contact point for everything related to Austrian music. Additional information can be found on and on Regardless whether you’re in search of buried treasures (archive), hunting for facts about
famous or “forgotten” artists (database), or looking for contacts for bookings, interviews, or research (information-office), SRA can help.


Sternenpassage highlights various artists whose work broadly relates to photography and illumination. It presents their works across four illuminated circular display cases on the walls, combining them with telescope images of outer space. The diagram on the ceiling dates back to the Baroque period and depicts a comet‘s elliptical path, held in place by a mysterious structure of particles.

THE STASH beyond collectables

Everything that has been realized and collected by the light and object artist Martin Markeli since 2002 is concentrated in the “Stash”. It is the space that captures the different phases of artistic engagement and can be understood as access to the world of his imagination. This includes electric car racing tracks, miniature figures and light installations. But this is also where those ideas emerge that are carried outwards, change the public space and allow new experiences between objects, people and space.

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This Human World

this human world initially began the same year which commemorated the 60th anniversary of The Universal Declaration on Human Rights. In 2008, it became the first film festival of its kind in Austria. As a prominent member of the International Human Rights Film Network (HRFN), this human world has since followed the example of globally established, recognized and successful festivals (such as those presented annually in Prague, Geneva, New York and London).


The series TONSPUR presents a changing selection of sound art pieces by international artists for the public space at MQ Vienna. Their multichannel sound installations overturn common stereo images and create walk-in audio spaces. Taking the physical architecture of the passage as a starting point, a virtual architecture is build from sound.

Transforming Freedom

Transforming Freedom is a radar for digital culture. It scans the electronic airwaves for exemplary voices and documents of recent decades and uses digital technologies to broadcast its own programs. It examines the background of the major cultural transformations of our time from the perspective of the inventors and originators. Since 2007, we publish transcribed video recordings on the battle against software patents, the transparency movement, the successful Austrian law suit against Facebook, or the ongoing discourse on artificial intelligence.

Tricky Women / Tricky Realities

Tricky Women / Tricky Realities has been known for its successful arts events and interdisciplinary programs since 1991. Special attention is given to women in art, culture and science with an emphasis on film and video in the context of gender discourse. Tricky Women organizes cultural programs, lectures, discussions, and festivals.

Typopassage Wien

Typography is the design and use of letters, hence the design of content. Typefaces have always been created for a certain task and can never be considered in isolation of a purpose. Typography does not replace, but support–or else sabotage–content. Typopassage, a micro museum for design, exhibits reflections on cultural and social importance by presenting one specific font at a time. Authors are invited to publish a text passage of sociopolitical relevance which is typeset by a designer.

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Vienna Shorts Festival

Vienna Shorts is Vienna’s international Festival for Short Film, Animation and Music Video and the only Oscar® Qualifying Festival in Austria. Since 2004, VIS screens yearly around 300 Films of up to 30 minutes in length in several competitions and specials, Focus and Kids Programmes towards the end of May.

White Castle Games

White Castle is a creative licensing agency for analogue game ideas, specialized on family-, party- and kids games. We train game designers and inventors in workshops and make their games marketable. We consequently promote and license these games, ideas and innovations to local and international publishers. We also realize custom-made games for companies - from the first concept to the final layout and production.

Wiener Taschenoper

Voice, music, live electronics, light and video: The Wiener Taschenoper experiments in the areas of music theater, multimedia performance, and contemporary dance. Beyond the confrontation of prominent positions of contemporary composition, it also explores traditional forms of music theater: old operas, operettas, and musicals.


The research and consulting office think.difference offers knowledge and competence for integration and diversity agendas. We research and guide politics as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations in tackling migration-driven change and develop sustainable strategies and approaches.

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