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Speech, writing, signs, gestures, expressions, singing, music, painting, dance… All that and lots more is communication.

date: 01.04.2023 to 03.09.2023
place: ZOOM Kindermuseum

Metal metal everywhere! & Water Summer Special

Metal metal everywhere! & Water Summer Special

Trains run on iron rails. Steel grids make house walls stronger. The kitchen drawers are filled with stainless steel cutlery. Braces are held together with wires. There are clothes fabrics with silver threads woven into them. And there’s a tiny metal ball sitting in the end of a ballpoint pen…

date: 01.04.2023 to 03.09.2023
place: ZOOM Kindermuseum

ZOOM Ocean

ZOOM Ocean

We take play seriously at ZOOM Children’s Museum. That is why ZOOM offers a special place for young children with various play activities especially designed to stimulate young children’s motor skills and cognitive and social abilities. Haptic stimuli, colorful objects, inclined planes, a water mattress and a tunnel of mirrors hone the perception and differentiation skills of toddlers and young children.

date: 01.04.2023 to 03.09.2023
place: ZOOM Kindermuseum

Things From Anything

Things From Anything

Why is the pencil-sharpener-monster so mean? And can an eraser really only rub out, or can it create new worlds? Together with our experts, children and young people work as a team to tell new stories.

date: 01.04.2023 to 03.09.2023
place: ZOOM Kindermuseum

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