05.12.2023 to 05.12.2023 - Kunsthalle Wien
Workshop: Entangling Stories of Solidarity

World Café / workshop with MUSMIG Museum der Migration • Peregrina • Viena Chilena 73 | 23 • Jens Kastner • Lea Susemichel
Tue 05.12., 15-18.30h
What can we learn from a historical view of solidarity? The educational, counselling and therapy center Peregrina was founded in 1984 as one of the first migrant organizations in Vienna, as an "association of solidary women from Turkey and Austria"; the collective MUSMIG calls for a museum of migration as a "thorn in the flesh" of nation-state institutions; and the archive project Viena Chilena 73 | 23 collects Chilean stories of exile and migration in memory of anti-fascist struggles and individual migration biographies. What unites all these initiatives is that they are inscribed in solidarity movements, refer to them or were active in shaping their history(ies).
Our workshop on 05.12. offers the opportunity to immerse yourself in these stories in the form of a World Café, to look at archival material, to listen, and to create references on a theoretical level together with Jens Kastner and Lea Susemichel (the editors of the volume Unbedingte Solidarität, Unrast Verlag, 2021).
We invite you to move from one table to the next, to be challenged by new questions, to read across stories and encounters, and to re-connect them. Can we think of relationships of solidarity beyond fixed socio-political codes of identity? Hence, is there a "potential of solidarity in learning from difference" (Feminist Studies, 2016)?
We kindly ask you to register in advance at besucherservice@kunsthallewien.at or directly at the cash desk in Kunsthalle Wien Museumsquartier. The number of participants is limited.
The event is free of charge and will be held in German.
Kunsthalle Wien
opening hours
mo: | closed |
tue-wed: | 10:00 – 18:00 |
thu: | 10:00 – 20:00 |
fri-sun: | 10:00 – 18:00 |
Museumsplatz 1,
A-1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43-1-52189-0