27.05.2024 to 31.05.2024 - Halle E+G

Wiener Festwochen 2024
Mon 27. to Thu 30.05., 20.30h and Fri 31.05., 17h, Theatre
Three generations of one family. One small flat in Budapest. The grandmother is declining to accept a medal of honour as a Holocaust survivor; the daughter needs proof of her Jewish identity to secure a school place for her son in their new home in Berlin; the adult son is seeking out his own identity as a homosexual man. They all have the same questions: can we liberate ourselves from inherited identity ascriptions? When is identity a privilege, when is it a burden? It all depends on the point of view. With "PARALLAX" (the term describes the apparent change in the position of an object at different angles of view) the Hungarian director Kornél Mundruczó and his independent company Proton Theater develop an epic family tale and in doing so draw a deeply touching picture of conventions situated between Eastern European Judaism and the LGBT+ community who are enduring innumerable restrictions in Hungary.
Age Recommendation: 18+. The performance contains sexual acts.
Halle E+G
Halle E + G BetriebsgesmbH
Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Vienna
Tel.: +43 1 524 33 21-0