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Ben Spatz & Adi Liraz: Tress_passing

21.04.2024 to 21.04.2024 - Tanzquartier Wien

Ben Spatz & Adi Liraz: Tress_passing


Adi Liraz © Eva Giannakopoulou Adi Liraz © Eva Giannakopoulou

Sun 21.04., 15-20h

In a setting inspired by the conviviality of Passover, Tress_passing explores performance and artistic research as practices through which critical, intersectional, pluralist perspectives on and experiences of Jewishness can be elaborated. It is an invitation to interweave Jewishness with other a-national and diasporic positions that counter Eurocentric narratives of belonging; to look at under-acknowledged identities and histories, resisting posited dichotomies between Jewishness and Arabness or Muslim cultures; to seek pathways of solidarity with other minoritised groups, asking how Jewishness might question whiteness. The event will start with a performative sharing of artistic research by Ben Spatz, followed by a common meal and a lecture performance by Adi Liraz.


15-17h: Ben Spatz, "decolonial jewishness and the black planetary*" – plenary session
17–18.30h: Meal
18.30–20h: Adi Liraz, "My Fluid Body on an Uneven Political Ground" – lecture performance

*The lower-case spelling of identity terms is put up for discussion in the lectures.

Tanzquartier Wien

opening hours

mo-fri:9 – 19.30h
sat:10 – 19.30h


Tanzquartier Wien GmbH
Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-581 35 91

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