Q21 Backstage: TONSPUR_display, opened in May 2022, is the indoor showroom of TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien.
The wedge-shaped booth, viewable from two different sides, can be found opposite the SCHAURAUM Angewandte and Room D (Q21). It represents an art space, an archive and a library, all relating to the medium of sound.
Interview with Georg Weckwerth / TONSPUR Kunstverein Wien
How big is your team?
Working as initiators and curators, it’s just Peter Szely and me. But with people assisting with graphics, web, social media, translations, documentation and finances, we are already a team of ten.
What challenges are you facing currently?
The constant fundraising for our diverse activities. And initiating and realising new projects which are close to the heart. Those require a lot of perseverance.
What is important to you in your work?
Close contact with the artists, and maintaining a passion for the cause of art in increasingly challenging times.
What makes TONSPUR_display special?
Currently, its location. It is the first big display window catching your eye when you enter the Q21 showrooms. You can hardly miss it, just like TONSPUR_passage a few steps away.
Is the showroom meant to complement TONSPUR_passage or is it a completely autonomous art space?
Both. TONSPUR_passage is a micro-museum of sound. People have been listening to its sounds from dawn to dusk for almost 20 years now. TONSPUR_display (re)presents sound art in a small space, without the use of audio, which is the underlying concept.
According to which criteria do you choose the works presented here?
I want to be flexible and follow my instincts. You will find artists who are simultaneously represented at TONSPUR_passage, like Lee Ranaldo/Leah Singer at the moment. Artists who are already a part of the TONSPUR programme will present their interventions. But also new, young positions will be in the spotlight here.
Lee Ranaldo & Leah Singer: IN CAMERA
Opening: So 28.08., 17h
Date: 29.08. – 13.11., daily 10-22h
Venue: TONSPUR_display, Showrooms Q21
Admission free
A walk in Vienna and the countryside becomes a self-contained journey confined to a form painted on the glass wall of the TONSUR_display – itself a contained space of odd angles.
In camera is a Latin term that means in my chamber or in my room. It is used in law to refer to a private meeting. This video was created in camera using an iPhone and a film app that allowed for live manipulation of focus and exposure.
Although TONSPUR_display is a public space you can imagine this walk as an act of solitude.