24.06.2024 to 26.08.2024 - MQ Main Courtyard, MQ Sommerbühne
Monday Listening Club hosted by Martin Markeli
Monday Listening Club
hosted by Martin Markeli
every Mon, 18h – 22h l MQ Summer Stage, Main Courtyard l Free entry
Every Monday, the Monday Listening Club by Martin Markeli offers visitors a unique combination of vinyl listening experience, vintage flea market and live DJ sets from 18 – 22h on the MQ Summer Stage. It invites you to enjoy the beauty and fascination of vinyl records in a relaxed and inspiring environment. Music lovers can come together to share memories, discover treasures and celebrate the timeless magic of music.
Vinyl Listening Experience: Guests can relax on the comfortable Enzis and enjoy the warm sounds of vinyl records. A carefully curated selection of music genres and artists are available to indulge the senses and awaken memories.
Vintage flea market: At this small flea market, you can rummage for records and music cassettes. Treasures can be discovered here and added to your own collection.
Live DJ-Sets: To enhance the Listening Club experience, live DJ sets are occasionally organized by local DJs. They provide fresh vibes and an energetic atmosphere.
24.06.: FLO REAL
08.07.: DJ Veloziped
15.07.: LENS J aka Markus Oberndorfer
22.07.: Alaska Al Tropical (Boom Boom Vienna)
29.07.: estudio elgozo
05.08.: DJ Trishes
12.08.: DJ Fritz Plöckinger
19.08.: DJ Bikini
26.08.: Listening Club All-Stars
09.09.: DJ Leon
Stage Art (Palm Trees): MM 2017