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Lucia Fernandez Santoro: Infinity of Lightness

28.06.2023 to 03.09.2023 - MQ Pop-Up Schauraum

Lucia Fernandez Santoro: Infinity of Lightness


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Opening: Tue 27.06., 18.30h

In her installation Infinity of Lightness in the MQ Pop-Up Showroom, Lucia Fernandez Santoro places objects and viewers in a performative relationship with each other. The exhibition space becomes a stage for her object-based performance which focuses on experiencing ephemeral intermediate spaces. In her installations, the trained dancer seeks to redefine performance, stage settings and audience by creating interactive settings and proposing a world in its own.

The installation consists of four wide panels of sketch paper, each of which is fastened at the top to a wooden slat and connected to a rotation motor mounted on the ceiling. These translucent panels move slowly like mobiles and execute a performance of subtle movements that alternately create open and closed spatial structures. Through this gradual opening and closing, the exhibition
space is in perpetual transformation, inviting the viewer to move through these temporary spaces of inclusion and exclusion and the corridors created by the panels as zones of the “in-between”. Sound is utilized as a key element of the atmospheric design, with the scene shifts accompanied and choreographed by lighting effects. The paper panels as well as the reflective walls serve as the projection surfaces for cloud of smoke images that connect the objects, space, and viewers and bring them into interaction with each other.

Lucia Fernandez Santoro invites visitors to immerse themselves in this dramaturgy of shifting perspectives and this performance of the “in between” in which the boundaries between subject and object disintegrate.

Concept and development: Lucia Fernandez Santoro
Technical and creative advice: Alexandra Martens Serrano
Sound artist: dc kane
Technical development: Noah Cohen
Funding assistance: Alexandra Martens Serrano

With kind support of Mondriaan Fund.


Eternal Return by Lucia Fernandez Santoro, Photo: Bart Grietens

7 μm / seven micrometers, II, Foto: Maarten Boswijk

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