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Audio book reading with music: Stefan Frankenberger & Lilian Jane Gartner

19.07.2023 to 19.07.2023 - MQ Main Courtyard

Audio book reading with music: Stefan Frankenberger & Lilian Jane Gartner


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wed, 19.07.2023
19.00 h

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Audio book reading with music*:
Stefan Frankenberger & Lilian Jane Gartner

Musician and producer Stefan Frankenberger presents a live music reading about peace activist Bertha von Suttner and nuclear physicist Lise Meitner with actress Lilian Jane Gartner
Wed 19.07., 19h l MQ Summer stage, Main Courtyard l free admission
*the event will be held in German


Musician and producer Stefan Frankenberger presents a live reading with actress Lilian Jane Gartner from his audio books about two famous Austrian women who are still too little known to the public: peace activist Bertha von Suttner (1843-1914) and nuclear physicist Lise Meitner (1878-1968). Their work had a decisive impact not only on their field, but also on the world. They may not have known each other, but they breathed the same spirit of a world in upheaval. And although their achievements are undisputed today, they were always overshadowed by their male colleagues and competitors.

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