01.07.2020 to 31.08.2020
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
STATION ROSE „3081_New York

Due to the Covid-19 situation, analogue life has gotten out of joint globally.
The digital world is now getting a lot more space. In the exhibition “3081_New York”, augmented reality creates a new 3D space that crosses the boundaries of the STATION ROSE exhibition space at MQ. It merges the media installation with the real MQ exhibition situation.
The artists were in New York in May 2019, and found an exponentially growing art district around 25th Street. Well, a year later, there is no longer any question of exponential growth, but of LockDown, curfews & riots. What's next? The exhibition will be updated over the summer and is also field research on the Covid-19 circumstances.
The free Artivive app is required to play the augmented reality. The inspections will also be recorded in the STReams.
To play the augmented reality, the free Artivive app is required.
#digitalart #stationrose #electronica #contemporaryart #newyork #covid19 #lockdown #augmetedreality #artivive.
Image: Station Rose