14.11.2019 to 22.12.2019 - MQ Pop-Up Schauraum
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Claudia Six: With Fear

A vigil for monsters
Opening: Thu, Nov 14, 19:00
Tomak and Martin Walkner (Kunsthalle Wien) will be speaking at the opening.
Think about the fear of the monsters under your bed, the monsters on the streets, in your house and in your head.
Your fear of the ghosts in the cellar, of the ones from the past and from the future.
Imagine all of them together, in one room and you inside that room.
Can you sit with them for a while?
Now tell me about your fears. About the person you think you are and the one you want to become.
Bring your ghosts from the past.
And let‘s light a candle together, facing our monsters and shed some tears, burying our ghosts.
Claudia Six is creating a room out of your fears and stories. (and out of her own, because these are the ones she knows best)
Share your fears: www.claudiasix.com
You are also invited to bring votive offerings for your fears.
Let’s create this imaginary moment together.
Artist Bio
Claudia Six was raised in a very small Austrian town surrounded by mountains and forests.
As the only child in the neighbourhood, she soon discovered her deep connection with strange things. Be it the spooky old cat-lady next door, baby frogs in the forest, invisible pigs in the cellar, and much more, she found herself bonding with entities and fantasies. At art school, where she studied silkscreen printing and textile/graphic design, she discovered that many other strange creatures live in her imagination. Since then, her first aim has been to get these creatures out of her head and into real life. She does this through sculptures, performances, installations and drawings.