01.10.2016 to 31.10.2016
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants

Venue: Station Rose
Admission free
TR-formula 01: #DataAusterityOnline, #DataOpulenceOffline STR-formula 02: #digitaleTransfer-Prozesse STR-formula 03: #STRinConversation
# with Station Rose, austerity of online-data meets opulence of offline-data, since years.
# what do we show & what do we NOT show?
test series : #STRinConversation. Digital Natives will talk with guests and record it
Image: STATION ROSE "gif art waves 310816-22 44 50", c+p Station Rose
#stationrose #digitalart #audiovisual #electronica
<link http: www.stationrose.com>www.stationrose.com