25.02.2016 to 13.03.2016 - MQ Pop-Up Schauraum
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Stephan Schwarz: Heimat fremde Heimat. „we provide the screaming hordes! you provide the monster!“

Opening: Thu, Feb 25, 19:00
The artist/curator is present: Thu-Fri, 16-19:00
Location: Jan Arnold Gallery, Electric Avenue
Admission free
On Stephan Schwarz:
When aesthetics still meant sensuous awareness …
The moment triggering an impulse is frequently insignificant, or banal, and yet things fuse into one another anew through the mental reconnection of object and idea. In this microcosm, the way order and chance coincide resides in the skill of the creative artist. Here we find the origin of a development that sometimes starts out from a carefully staged act, other times is driven by fate. It is the beginning of the story of a relationship between object and creator; and its ending is the work.
The observer’s emotional capability of being moved or touched is thus dependent on the artist’s depth of soul, because the latter gives his nourishing breath to the work and breathes life into it.
So we incline our heads, mute, not only before the work, but also before its creator, whose mysterious spirit is reflected in his creation.
Differences result from the perspective of observation; and just as respect separates beings from one another only to reunite them in existence, so perspective is only a detail taken from a mostly unfathomable, greater totality.
(Christian Reiner on Stephan Schwarz, after a talk on 1 Dec 2002, in the Podium/Vienna)
“Heimat, fremde Heimat” (Home, strange Home) becomes a kind of mirror to our fears about the global situation. Stephan Schwarz casts a look back: first and foremost at ourselves.
The Assemblage works are a work-in-progress. The series consists at present of five individual pictures, which in the course of time will increase to a total of nine.
Curated by Andreas Nader.
Image: © Stephan Schwarz
<link http: janarnoldgallery.com _blank>www.janarnoldgallery.com