16.11.2015 to 28.02.2016 - Typopassage Wien
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Times New Roman

Opening: Mon, Nov 16, 18:30
Location: Typopassage
Admission free
"Typography" is the design and use of letters hence the design of content. Typefaces were always created for a certain task and can never be considered in isolation of a purpose. Typography does not replace but can support or else sabotage content.
Typopassage - a micro museum for design - exhibits considerations of cultural and social importance and in doing so represents a font each time.
By invitation an author publishes a text passage of sociopolitical relevance which is typeset by a designer.
Text: Doron Rabinovici
Typo: Times New Roman
Design: Toledo i Dertschei
<link http: www.studiotid.com passage>www.studiotid.com/passage