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Thomas Stimm: Man läuft so schnell am Paradies vorbei

02.06.2015 to 31.07.2015 - MQ ART BOX
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants

Thomas Stimm: Man läuft so schnell am Paradies vorbei


Thomas Stimm: Man läuft so schnell am Paradies vorbei Thomas Stimm: Man läuft so schnell am Paradies vorbei

Location: ArtBox, MQ Main Courtyard
Admission free

„The works of Thomas Stimm, who was born in Vienna in 1948 are characterised by a concentrated form of representation which operates with the simplicity of a logo. Straightforward and highly intelligible, his formal language is both elementary yet non-superficial, possessed of substance, even stubbornness. Stimm’s selections and reductions are succinct, precise and resistant. And consequently they occupy a plausible territory – that of the visual arts.“
Kasper König


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