25.03.2013 to 29.03.2013
Archikids: Building with Clay
Archikids: Building with Clay
Workshop for ages 6 and up
Date: Mon, Mar 25 to Fri, Mar 29, 10:00-12:00
Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Halle F3
Tickets: €3.50 / admission free for small partner
Registration required: +43/1/522 31 15-15, office@azw.at
Is earth just a medieval building material? How do you build with earth and is it weatherproof in the first place? There are plenty of questions to be asked about this material which in recent times has been increasingly brought into play by architects and building clients. Our experts have looked at how it is used and introduce us to the possibilities of this exciting material. After this we mix, ram and build.
In the framework of the Vienna Holiday Games