13.10.2012 to 13.10.2012
Archikids: Bauen mit Holz

Archikids: Not Only Buildings Are Restored
Date: Sat, Oct 13, 15:00
Venue: Architekturzentrum Wien, Podium
Tickets: EUR 3.50
Registration required: 01/522 31 15 or office@azw.at
Everyone is familiar with the wooden farmhouses in Austria, but can houses also be built with wood in Vienna? And why should people do that? Can a skyscraper be built of wood? What is important when building with wood? And don\'t wooden houses catch fire very easily? As expert, who is currently constructing the biggest timber building in Austria, architect Michael Schluder, presents all the things one can do with wood. This is followed by experiments for kids to explore by themselves.