06.02.2012 to 09.02.2012
In Sonne und Wind gebaut

Built in the Sun and the Wind
part of the Vienna Ferienspiel
for ages 6 and up
Date: Mon, Feb 6, Tue, Feb 7, Wed Feb 8, Thu, Feb 9, 10:00-12:00
Venue: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium
Tickets: EUR 3,50 / admission free for small partner
It can get rather hot in Australia. Despite this, the architect Glenn Murcutt has succeeded in building houses entirely free of any air conditioning. Often his buildings do not even require heating, even though it can be quite chilly in Australia during the winter. How does he do this? Would this work in our climes? What can environmentally friendly homes of the future look like? As a group we take a closer look, find traces of the Aborigines in Murcutt\'s architecture, and make our own building!
\r\nReservations required for workshop participation:: 01-522 31 15 or office@azw.at