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Global Warming Schauraum - Bursting Seams

09.12.2011 to 22.01.2012

Global Warming Schauraum - Bursting Seams


Global Warming Schauraum - Bursting Seams Global Warming Schauraum - Bursting Seams

Global Warming Schauraum - Bursting Seams

Opening: Fri, Dec 9, 19:00, with Nina Yankowitz
Date: Dec 10th 2011 to Jan 22th 2012, daily 10:00-22:00
Venue: SCHAURAUM Angewandte, Electric Avenue
installation by Nina Yankowitz, installation assistance: Barry Holden
free admission

\"Video projections virtually expose impending doom feared from erratic global weather conditions. I use the architecture of the Museum space to highlight the unpredictable and challenge convictions that the ground beneath our feet is stable, exposing weather as a fickle Master presiding over whether or not. Viewers can experience water bleeding, bursting through seams from moldings in the space, as the Master of Havoc rules from inside the belly of the unknown. The interior window projects portraits-in-motion of alternating weather conditions through and to the inside out.\"

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