20.01.2010 to 20.01.2010
a_showcase 12: Study Architecture and Research in the Archives

a_showcase 12: Study Architecture and Research in the Archives - The estate of Kaym & Hetmanek
Date: Wed, Jan 20, 6 pm
Venue: Az W, New Hall
Admission free!
The previously unknown estate of the Otto Wagner and Adolf Loos students Franz Kaym and Alfons Hetmanek (who shared a studio from 1920 to 1935) reached the archives of the Az W via the last partner in their office Erich Schlöss. In the course of a seminar at Vienna University of Technology students volunteered to assist in inventorying the estate, and then wrote their bachelor\'s thesis on related individual topics. Now a number of these works, for instance student projects by Kaym & Hetmanek at the Academy, submissions to national and international competitions by the two architects in the interwar years, or their thinking, published in 1919 on \"accommodation for people, today and tomorrow\", are to be presented in a_showcase with a selection of original drawings. This pilot project for an academic cooperation between a University of Technology and the Az W is also introduced.
Caroline Jäger-Klein (Architecture History, Vienna University of Technology)
Sabine Plakolm-Forsthuber (Art History, Vienna University of Technology)
Inge Scheidl & Ursula Prokop (Az W, Architektenlexikon Wien)
Moderated by Monika Platzer
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