Farbe be>greifen - MuseumsQuartier Wien
21.03.2004 to 21.03.2004 Farbe be>greifen Date sun, 21.03.2004 10.30 h - 12.00 h All dates • Days with event March 2004 01 mo 02 tue 03 wed 04 thu 05 fri 06 sat 07 sun 08 mo 09 tue 10 wed 11 thu 12 fr
Das Mikrotheater des Naturhistorischen Museum zu Besuch in der - MuseumsQuartier Wien
21.03.2004 to 21.03.2004 Das Mikrotheater des Naturhistorischen Museum zu Besuch in der Date sun, 21.03.2004 10.30 h - 16.00 h All dates • Days with event March 2004 01 mo 02 tue 03 wed 04 thu 05 fri 06
Klingende Zahlen - MuseumsQuartier Wien
sat 21 sun 22 mo 23 tue 24 wed 25 thu 26 fri 27 sat 28 sun 29 mo 30 tue 31 wed Eine Ausstellung für Kinder von sieben bis zwölf Jahren. Unter der Schirmherrschaft von Nikolaus Harnoncourt. Musik und Mathematik
Dance of Urgency - MuseumsQuartier Wien
senate decree regarding the prohibition of cults in Rome and Italy - is held in the Kunsthistorisches Museum's classical collection in Vienna. Anne de Vries’ Video 'Critical Mass: Pure Immanence' shows the [...] September 1), an artist talk with Kélina Gotman (King's College London), a workshop as part of the MQ KinderKulturParcours and a cooperation with ImPulsTanz (July 11 to August 11), among other events. 'Dance
KINDER.KULTUR.HOF.FEST - MuseumsQuartier Wien
04.09.2021 to 04.09.2021 - Dschungel Wien KINDER.KULTUR.HOF.FEST FREE ENTRY, CHILDREN & FAMILY, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC Dance theater for ages 12 and up Share Share - facebook Dschungel Wien Dschungel
Laura Steinhöfel: Die Konferenz der Kinder - MuseumsQuartier Wien
09.08.2021 to 13.08.2021 - Dschungel Wien Laura Steinhöfel: Die Konferenz der Kinder CHILDREN & FAMILY, DANCE/PERFORMANCE/MUSIC workshop for ages 8 to 11 Share Share - facebook Dschungel Wien Dschungel
Planning and Building in the Future Lab! - MuseumsQuartier Wien
13:00 This series of workshops, for children from 8 to 12 years, takes place within the framework of KinderUniKunst. Register here: www.kinderunikunst.at Free admission for groups and after school care centers
mdw Chamber - Open Air - MuseumsQuartier Wien
Rahmen der Jeunesse Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in Zusammenarbeit mit Marko Simsa. Eine Veranstaltung der mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien in Kooperation mit dem MuseumsQuartier Wien. www
I like it loud! Kids Disco - MuseumsQuartier Wien
and Eoae (Hearts Hearts, Vienna). I like it loud! Kids Disco is taking place as a part of the MQ’s KinderKulturParcours. From June 14 to 17 a lot of art and culture for a young audience is happening. Ad
KUNSTtageBUCH - MuseumsQuartier Wien
sketch! And: In your KUNSTtageBUCH you may writedrawpaintglue everything to do with art and yourself. KinderKulturParcours is taking place for the first time from June 14 to June 17. Different institutions [...] Wien Shop, Museumsquartier Registration: vermittlung @ kunsthallewien . at Costs: EUR 2, free with KinderAktivcard Share Share - facebook Kunsthalle Wien Kunsthalle Wien program in July opening hours mo: