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What’s up?

13.09.2017 to 13.09.2017

What’s up?


What’s up? What’s up?

What’s up?
Recent Architecture from Slovenia and Austria

Location: Architekturzentrum Wien
Admission free

Architecture offices from Slovenia and Austria meet on the Az W stage for a conversation about architecture.

Project presentations provide a comparison of different approaches to urbanist and architectural briefs, with architects sharing their experiences.

A cooperation by the Architekturzentrum Wien with the Slowenischen Kulturinformationszentrum (SKICA)

Welcome address:

Barbara Koželj Podlogar, head of SKICA 

Project presentations by and panel discussion with:

Tina Gregorič, dekleva gregorič arhitekti (Ljubljana)

Johannes Wohofsky, balloon architekten (Graz) 

Lena Krušec / Vid Kurinčič, Arhitektura Krušec (Ljubljana)

Moderated by Karoline Mayer, Az W

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