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SUBOTRON electric MEETING : present and future of independent games

11.10.2008 bis 11.10.2008

SUBOTRON electric MEETING : present and future of independent games


SUBOTRON electric MEETING : present and future of independent games SUBOTRON electric MEETING : present and future of independent games

Sa. 11.10.08, 19:00

SUBOTRON electric MEETING : present and future of independent games

Veranstaltungsreihe zur Theorie von Computerspielen 2008

Museumsquartier / quartier21 / Raum D / electric avenue, 1070 Wien

Eintritt frei !


Thomas Arundel (head of business development & sales and licensing at Introversion, UK)
The importance of remaining independent, building a successful brand and implementing effective marketing strategies that all indie start-ups can benefit from no matter how small their budget :

  • Trials and tribulations of running a small, independent games company
  • Advice on how to attain commercial credibility and compete with the big boys of the games industry whilst retaining creative freedom
  • Maximising the benefits whilst downplaying the limitations of running a small dev team
  • Tapping in to the opportunities now present to indies via internet retail and distribution
  • Why now is a better time than ever for the budding independent developer !

And yet it moves  - In Wien geht doch was !

Christoph Binder, Peter Vorlaufer, Jan Hackl, Martin Sirlinger

Die igw- Absolventen erzählen wie es ist, einen Spielprototypen aus einem Studentenprojekt in ein volles Independent Game mit einem kleinen Team zu entwickeln. Der Hauptteil ihres Vortrags konzentriert sich darauf, wie man die notwendige Aufmerksamkeit in der internationalen Szene bekommt und wie man die Zeit und das Geld aufstellt, um so ein Projekt erfolgreich durchzuführen. Am Beispiel von And Yet It Moves berichten sie von besonders entscheidenden Momenten ihrer Odyssey und erklären, wie sie gearbeitet und ihr Budget aufgestellt haben, um als Team von Studenten und Halbzeit-Angestellten über die Runden zu kommen.

Kurzbiographie Thomas Arundel

Thomas Arundel co-founded Introversion Software in late 2001, with two friends from Imperial College (University of London). With just £600 a CD burner and inkjet printer between them, the trio set about releasing ‘Uplink’, the highly acclaimed ‘Hacker Sim’. Responsible for bringing Uplink from the Underground to the public eye, Tom’s main focus is in commercialising Introversion’s highly innovative portfolio of games. In this pursuit, Introversion has used direct and indirect retail, developed a digital distribution system, and also used several 3rd party online distribution solutions.
Dubbed ‘the last of the bedroom programmers’ and truly embracing independent game development for the last 6 years, Introversion Software followed Uplink with Darwinia, DEFCON, and is running up to the launch of Multiwinia. The blood, sweat and tears over Darwinia’s 3 year development cycle were well worth it - with 80-90% reviews across the board, Darwinia won 3 out of 6 Independent Game Awards, at the 2006 IGF. The ever growing team, are still fully funded from their initial £600 and are currently finishing their multiplayer incarnation of Darwinia, and developing technology for their 5th game, ‘Subversion’.

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