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Robert Seikon & Anastasia Papaleonida-Pountza

27.06.2019 bis 30.07.2019 - MQ Pop-Up Schauraum
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen

Robert Seikon & Anastasia Papaleonida-Pountza


Eröffnung: Do 27.06., 19h

Im Rahmen seines Aufenthalts als Artist-in-Residence des Q21/MQ gestaltet Robert Seikon ein Wandbild im MuseumsQuartier und präsentiert gemeinsam mit Anastasia Papaleonida-Pountza in der Jan Arnold Gallery aktuelle Arbeiten.

The Artist will paint a wall inside MQ and put up a show at Jan Arnold Gallery together with Anastasia Papaleonida-Pountza. There will be a limited edition print release with LEAP as well. Stay tuned.  

Robert SEIKON born in 1987, Gdynia Poland
Robert is a artist currently based in Athens, who obtained master's degree at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, Poland. His work revolves around canvases, murals and sculptures. Active in the art world and public sphere since 1999. Throughout the years his style has evolved and his interests from letters starts to focused on geometric and organic shapes. SEIKON specializes in creating unique geometrical patterns which transform diverse surfaces with the use of color and design.
Currently the artist has a growing interest in project Rurales.

Anastasia Papaleonida-Pountza was born in 1989 in Patras Greece and now she is based in Athens.
She studied visual communication in Athens. As an artist she uses different kinds of media like painting, sculpture and installations. Her work rotates the last few years around repetition and dynamic, monochrome abstract forms. She uses different materials and media like plaster, clay, ink, paper, fabric and much more. Lately she creates larger size artworks, choosing as surfaces of artistic expression the streets and also abandoned industrial spaces in Greece, trying to interact with the place, the space and the building itself, often deriving influences from the elements that surround it.

MQ Pop-Up Schauraum



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