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SUBOTRON pro games powered by Wirtschaftskammer Wien Studio Tour: Developer-Presentations and Roundtable

23.03.2017 bis 23.03.2017 - MQ Raum D
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen

SUBOTRON pro games powered by Wirtschaftskammer Wien Studio Tour: Developer-Presentations and Roundtable


SUBOTRON pro games powered by Wirtschaftskammer Wien Studio Tour: Developer-Presentations and Roundtable SUBOTRON pro games powered by Wirtschaftskammer Wien Studio Tour: Developer-Presentations and Roundtable


Do, 23.03.2017
19.00 Uhr - 22.00 Uhr

Alle Termine im Überblick

Tage mit Vorstellung

März 2017
01 Mi
02 Do
03 Fr
04 Sa
05 So

06 Mo
07 Di
08 Mi
09 Do

10 Fr

11 Sa
12 So
13 Mo
14 Di
15 Mi

16 Do
17 Fr
18 Sa

19 So
20 Mo

21 Di
22 Mi
23 Do
24 Fr
25 Sa

26 So
27 Mo

28 Di
29 Mi
30 Do

31 Fr

Meeting Point: Mi’pu’mi Games GmbH, Hollandstraße 10, 1020 Wien. 13:00
Eintritt frei

Due to popular demand for our studio visits, we are happy to offer all attendees and those unable to get a place at the tour an introduction to how to step into the game. On this evening before the tour, the participating developers will give short presentations of their studios and take part in a roundtable discussion. Following an introduction round, the studio representatives will discuss present chances and challenges concerning education, internships, recruitment and team building.

<link http: subotron.com veranstaltung studiotour7-roundtable>subotron.com/veranstaltung/studiotour7-roundtable/


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