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„KREUZ UND QUER:“ Arnold Schönberg's Reimagining of Melody and Harmony

11.06.2018 bis 11.06.2018 - MQ Raum D
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen

„KREUZ UND QUER:“ Arnold Schönberg's Reimagining of Melody and Harmony


Ausstellungseröffnung: 17.30h
Empfang: 18h
Facebook Event
Anmeldung: online

In this exhibit, US Fulbright alumni Franziska Brunner and Ross Lipton cross boundaries of research and academic presentation to transfer their intellectual work into artistic practices including visual art, installation, and sound design. They explore Arnold Schoenberg’s varied and far-reaching ideas of melody and harmony, which span from his early years in Vienna and Berlin, to his later years in California. With approaches coming from the distantly- related disciplines of historical musicology and comparative literature Schoenberg the composer, artist, theorist, and pedagogue offers a fruitful common ground for their creative and intellectual explorations. This experience is designed to provoke a dialogue about the relevance and value of new music and art in a world in which stark oppositions have become the norm.


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