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Mariana Serranová

Mariana Serranová

Bereich: Theorie

© Mariana Serranová

Key Facts







Empfehlende Institution

tranzit.org/ERSTE Stiftung


November 2006 - November 2006

2005  PhD. Programme, Academy Of Arts, Architecture And Design, Prague

1995 - 2003  The Charles University, Prague, MA History Of The Arts, (thesis on  The Art After The Second World War in Czechoslovakia. Exhibitions between 1945-48 )  

2005  Lecturer at the Faculty Of  Fine Arts, Brno (lectures for students about art since 1945)

2005   Editor of the Spanish version of Umělec Magazine, Divus

2003 - 2004  Curator of the Behémót Gallery, Prague

2003  Instant Images, Exhibition

1998 -  2002  The Academy Of Fine Arts, assistant in historiographical research1995 - 1996  The Jewish Museum, Prague 
2006 – Indikace, group exhibition (4+4+4 Days In Motion)

2005 – Collaboration with Jelení Gallery (FCCA, Prague)

2005 - Mainstream, exhibition of photographes, Academy of Applied Arts, Prague

2003 - Annual exhibition of the absolvents works in the Academy Of Arts, Architecture and Design, Prague (with Vjera Borozan)

2003-4 - Curator in Behémót Gallery

2000 - Jasanský& Polák v Czech Centre, Berlin  
Štěpánka Stein, Salim Issa,  Velryba Gallery, Prague

PUBLISHED ARTICLES Fotograf, Umělec, Ateliér, Art & Antiques, Hospodářské noviny


I was invited to the artist-in-residence program of quartier21 for two months, in  November and December 2006. Being an art critic and an independent curator from Prague, I was particulary interested in learning more about the contemporary Austrian art scene. Thanks to Tranzit foundation, which kindly covered my stay at MQ Vienna, I visited  places such as Secession, Generali Foundation, Academy of Fine Arts, MAK and many others.

I have not only learned a lot more about cultural institutions and independent galleries in Vienna - especially visiting exhibitions and attending art events and lectures - I  also had enough time to continue my research on the crossroads between different fields of contemporary visual culture. The aim of my PhD project is to map contemporary artists’ endeavors to test stereotyped functions. 

I am also grateful that I could make a public presentation of selected Czech artists in the Oval Halle in q21. Hereby I would like to give many thanks to all the people in q21 for their personal and technical support.

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