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Irina Birger: The Book of Happiness and Sadness

26.06.2019 bis 26.06.2019 - Buchhandlung Walther König
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen

Irina Birger: The Book of Happiness and Sadness


Beginn: 18h

The Book of Happiness and Sadness is Irina Birger’s first monograph. The publication contains numerous text-based drawings from the artist’s diary of words, forms and colors, as well as photographs of her exhibitions and performances. The Book of Happiness and Sadness presents the act of drawing as a self-contemplative study, and aims to provoke a similar contemplation in the viewer.

Graphic designer Franziska Morlok from studio Rimini Berlin created a publication with a strong presence, accentuating Birger’s work.

Independent curator Katia Krupennikova wrote an essay for the monograph, which examines Birger’s work in connection with significant dilemmas in today’s society, such as the group versus individualism and interdependency.

Irina Birger ist im Juni als Artist-in-Residence des Q21/MQ zu Gast in Wien. Ihre gleichnamige Videoarbeit "The Book of Happiness and Sadness" ist bis 1. September als Teil der Ausstellung "Dance of Urgency" im frei_raum Q21 exhibition space zu sehen.

Buchhandlung Walther König


Mo-Sa:10 – 19h
So:12 – 19h

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