- MQ Pop-Up Schauraum
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen
Z (IRN): Interfering with Nature
Eröffnung: Do 08.03., 19h
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Ort: Jan Arnold Gallery
Eintritt frei
Opulent and fragile, this sculpture is indeed inflated. Were it not for its source of power, this would merely be a heap of garbage bags. The sum of the plastic parts create an animated greater whole.
Z would like to demonstrate how the best things in life are finite. Produced with a minimal budget, Z found plastic bags to be ubiquitous and dirt cheap though weighing heavy on her ecological conscience.
<link http: www.instagram.com dt801zs>www.instagram.com/dt801zs
<link http: www.janarnoldgallery.com>www.janarnoldgallery.com