01.12.2017 bis 01.12.2017 - MQ Raum D
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen
SUBOTRON arcademy: Rejecta 2017 – Building tools and audience for non-traditional games /departure talk

Ort: Raum D / Q21
Eintritt frei
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Pietro Righi Riva
Co-founder & director of Santa Ragione, Milan IT
rejecta is a game design manifesto against all the traditional forms and types of video games, offering instead a new set of practical guidelines for creating games that would appeal to those traditionally turned off by the medium. This set of rules and objectives involves the content, the design, the length, the controls, and the role of the player, and assesses distribution models while also present new ways to organize work in game creation.
This talk will briefly go through each point of the manifesto, explaining its importance, its purpose, and how to practically apply its theory to game creation. The core of the presentation will be dedicated to two central points: awareness and tools. The success of rejecta is deeply tied to the awareness of the general public about this new form of games, something which needs to be cultivated in new venues and among new communities. Of equal importance, is to build a set of tools that simplify the conception and creation of games that adhere the manifesto.
Pietro Righi Riva is an Italian game designer, artist, and academic. Since 2010, he has been co-directing the indie game studio Santa Ragione, where he created many successful board games and video games such as “Escape From The Aliens in Outer Space”, “FOTONICA”, “MirrorMoon EP”, and “Wheels of Aurelia”. His work has been on display at the Venice Biennale and the MCA in Chicago.
Die Veranstaltungsreihe wird durch die Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien und die Bundesstelle für die Positivprädikarisierung von Computer- und Konsolenspielen (BUPP) gefördert.
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von der Wirtschaftsagentur Wien und vom Zentrum für Angewandte Spieleforschung der Donau Universität Krems.
<link http: subotron.com veranstaltung rejecta-2017 _blank>subotron.com/veranstaltung/rejecta-2017