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SUBOTRON arcademy: Who needs a Story? Narration Through Art Direction

15.09.2016 bis 15.09.2016 - MQ Raum D
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen

SUBOTRON arcademy: Who needs a Story? Narration Through Art Direction


SUBOTRON arcademy: Who needs a Story? Narration Through Art Direction SUBOTRON arcademy: Who needs a Story? Narration Through Art Direction

Ort: Raum D / Q21
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Riana McKeith
Studio Art Director at Wooga, Berlin

Storytelling isn’t the first thing that comes to most people’s minds when they think of casual mobile games. And, let’s be honest, many players probably won’t even realise there’s an underlying narrative in their favourite game. So why bother adding one? Well, narrative doesn’t always mean cutscenes, lengthy dialogue and xxx text. Art direction is the key to creating a compelling interactive world for the players to explore an emerging narrative. In fact, it’s no surprise that in animation “show don’t tell” is one of the key pillars of storytelling.
This talk will explore narrative in mobile games, why it is important to always tell a story and to how to communicate that story through art direction. From murderous tribal warriors, to evil scientists on the warpath, to the adaptation of Futurama for mobile, Riana McKeith will take you through her process to discover original visions, themes and art direction and how a shared understanding can support stronger collaboration between artists & game designers.

<link http: www.wooga.com>www.wooga.com
<link http: http subotron.com veranstaltung art-narration _blank>subotron.com/veranstaltung/art-narration

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