19.11.2015 bis 19.11.2015 - MQ Raum D
Veranstalter: MQ Kulturmieter:innen
SUBOTRON pro games powered by Wirtschaftskammer Wien: International Indie Games Meeting

Ort: Raum D / Q21
Eintritt frei
Nach der Debatte der letzten zwei Jahre, die klären sollte, was ein Indie Game eigentlich sein soll bzw. wie relevant der Begriff noch ist, kann man nun feststellen: Indie Games sind gekommen, um zu bleiben.
Die Definitionsmacht des Begriffs geht nicht mehr länger von den EntwicklerInnen aus, sondern wird von den UserInnen bestimmt. Der Games-Markt wird breiter und vielfältiger, und Indie Games sind dabei als alternatives Segment mittlerweile auch in den Köpfen jener VielspielerInnen angekommen, die die meiste Zeit über Mainstream-Games konsumieren, aber dann und wann doch zu einem Indie-Titel greifen. Das Entweder/Oder hat sich zu Gunsten eines Miteinanders entwickelt, bei dem die Grenzen zwischen „kleinen“ und „großen“ Spielen ebenso verschwimmen wie jene zwischen der landläufigen Vorstellung, welche Spiele von einem unabhängigen Team gestaltet werden und welche Entwicklerstudios finanzielles Backing eines Konzerns hinter sich haben.
SUBOTRON pro games lädt zum vierten Mal zum International Indie Games Meeting, wo aktuelle erfolgreiche Kleinstudios ihre Projekte präsentieren und im Anschluss über den Status Quo der alternativen Spielentwicklung sprechen. Zu Gast sind Roll7 aus Großbritannien, die mit ihrer “OlliOlli”-Serie digitales Skateboarding und klassische Videospielhallenkultur vermählen, Hipster Whale, das Studio hinter den hocherfolgreichen Mobile Games “Crossy Road” und „Pac-Man 256“ sowie zwei heimische Games-Gestalter, die bereits viel internationale Aufmerksamkeit verbuchen konnten: Bloodirony Games (“Shooting Stars!”) und der Wiener Soloentwickler Maximilian Csuk (“Nubs’ Adventure”).
Thomas Killen
Hipster Whale, Barcelona
Thomas is an independent games developer and interactive artist, currently collaborating with Hipster Whale on the mobile hit “Crossy Road”. He has been making games since being a child, professionally since 2006, and with a focus on mobile games development since 2008. As a big fan of game jams and of rapid iterations in design, mobile game development allows for tight game mechanics to be juiced up and allowed to shine. Shorter project timelines and smaller teams allow for more prolific development and release cycles, which in turn means that the joy of making and releasing is amplified.
Professional game titles include “Crossy Road” (with Hipster Whale), “Breath of Light” (Many Monkeys), “Train Conductor” 1 & 2 and “Puzzle Retreat” (The Voxel Agents).
Significant interactive projects include “ANZ Future Play” (Australian Tennis Open), “Bush Magic Billabong” (National Gallery of Victoria), “Ngintaka Exhibition” (South Australian Museum), and other weird pieces that can sometimes be found in odd corners of the world.
Thomas is an Australian who lives in Barcelona, Spain.
John Ribbins
Roll7, London
John Ribbins is co-counder and Creative director of BAFTA winning Uk games Studio Roll7. Founded in 2008, roll7 initially made educational and “serious” games, with their first project being “Dead Ends”, a 3rd person action game about knife-crime. Roll7 then went on to create a series of games for the Neurosky BCI, including “InvadersReloaded” and “Man.Up”. In partnership with Goldsmiths University, roll7 developed “EarWyrm”, a procedurally generated iOS racing game that generates the racetrack from your music. In 2012, roll7 signed with Sony to develop the critically acclaimed “OlliOlli” and “OlliOlli2”. “OlliOlli” received a BAFTA for best sport title 2015, and Roll7 subsequently won Best Micro Studio at the Develop awards 2015. This year also marked the launch of “Not A Hero”, our critically acclaimed “Political Shooter”, which we developed with Publisher Devolver Digital. It also marks the first few show/event demos of our Local Multiplayer game “Ultra Neon Tactics”. In the past John also worked on Mobile title “Gets to the Exit”, as well as releasing a slew of smaller games and prototypes including “Ur Not A Hero”, “Bushido Shuffle”, “Hack”, “Lollipoptilyoudrop” and “Cloud Rangers”.
Michael Hartinger
Bloodirony Games, Wien
Michael is the Cofounder and Big Bearded Boss of Bloodirony Games, a Vienna based indie game studio. He started the company in 2015 with the goal to save mobile games. With his two partners Alexander Haider and Stefan Malzner he created “Shooting Stars!”, a mobile shmup with roguelike elements, aliens, superstars, lazer shooting cats and a guy on a hover board. The game was created in 6 months and released in July 2015 for iOS and Android. He had no background in game development before but a strong passion for indie and video games. In the past 14 years he worked mainly for a big Austrian bank as a java developer, tech and team lead. Between his corporate – and start up life he took over 3 years off to take care of his two little kids.
Maximilian Csuk
ImakeGames, Wien
Maximilian Csuk is the founder of IMakeGames, a game development micro studio based in Vienna, Austria. Its most recent release is “Nubs’ Adventure”, a metroidvania-style platformer for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android. „Nubs’ Adventure“ focuses on exploration and captures the player with its intriguing story and compelling world. The game was very well received by press and media outlets, such as Touch Arcade and Gamezebo. Coming from a software development background, Maximilian Csuk holds an MSc in computer science with a focus on visualization. Developing games has been his passion since childhood. He has always been and will always be making games.
Moderation: Robert Glashüttner (ORF/FM4)
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