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Brad Downey (USA): Werkpräsentation - Play With the City

07.04.2010 bis 07.04.2010

Brad Downey (USA): Werkpräsentation - Play With the City

Brad Downey (USA): Werkpräsentation - Play With the City Brad Downey (USA): Werkpräsentation - Play With the City

Subtle, comic and very often provocative, Artist-in-Residence Brad Downey aims to surprise the viewer by illuminating how public and private property, and urban space and personal experience, overlap in an era of increasing privatization. He finds forgotten remnants of urban architecture to re-invent and rejuvenate. These are then re-inserted into the everyday landscape. The works are a temporary disruption, usually remaining in place for as short a time as a few minutes, but also sometimes becoming a permanent fixture in the landscape of the metropolis.


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