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Karmen Dada: Jung-Jang

08.04.2009 bis 28.04.2009

Karmen Dada: Jung-Jang


Karmen Dada: Jung-Jang Karmen Dada: Jung-Jang

Karmen Dada: Jung-Jang

Institution: Asifakeil
Dauer: 8.4.2009 - 28.4.2009
Öffnungszeit: 10-22h


„I am a big admirer of C.G.Jung's concept of Self-Perona mechanism that is still both present and actual in today's society. There are still a lot of possibilities to work on that concept, together with 'collective subconsciousness'. I found some pairs of human inner conditions interesting enough to go public with them:

Possession - Desire

Loss - Growth

Tension - Peace

Misunderstanding - Understanding

Blockade - Motivation

Complexes - Identity

Masks - Self

Subconsciousness - Consciousness

Servility - Expression

Passive - Active

Unrealization - Realization

They all exist within us at the same time, but cause different landscapes of moods, motivations and anxieties, due to 'bad/facts' of some of them and 'good/goals' of the others. I found these pairs as the most interesting of everybody's inner/development demons. Between them lies a huge scale and network of personal/specific paths and transformations. Discovering some of them, and ways into activation, would be the second part of this AIR project.” (Karmen Dada)


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