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Gruppe Or-Om: Showcase Art/The Deductive Generator©

01.06.2006 bis 30.06.2006

Gruppe Or-Om: Showcase Art/The Deductive Generator©


Gruppe Or-Om: Showcase Art/The Deductive Generator© Gruppe Or-Om: Showcase Art/The Deductive Generator©

The algorithm of the Deductive Generator© creates all artworks of past, presence and future. All works of art mankind will ever produce are included. You cannot imagine any picture, fantasy, imagination or spatial constellation, which is not included in this concept.

The Deductive Generator© gives you a glimpse of the steps of descent from the Infinite to the finite forms in arts and concepts in philosophy and sciences. Art and sciences become redefined in new connections and Or-Om-structures – and this means: The End of Postmodernism.

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