Aleš Čermák
Bereich: Performance
Key Facts
PragEmpfehlende Institution StiftungZeitraum
März 2015 - März 2015*1984 in Prague (live and works in Prague)
2006 – 2012: Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (MgA.)
2006: Academy of Fine Arts in Prague_ The School of Monumental Art prof.Jiriho Prihody
2009: Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design Prague Studio of Architecture prof.akad.arch Jindrich Smetana
2010: Cooper Union School of Art_ New York_ U.S.A.
2013: RUKA collective _ <link http: _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>
AB - FREE RADIO _ <link http: _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>
2011: MATERIAL / experimental Magazin / in conjuction with KláraDoležálková, Jakub Kovařík <link http: _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>
2010: Independent publishing house AUSDRUCK BOOKS <link http: _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>
2010 - 2013: STUDIO LETNÁ / in coperation with Janek Rous <link http:>
2012: VARP_ Space gallery_ Bratislava_ SK
2011: Egon Schiele Art Centrum_ Český Krumlov_ CZ
2013: Finalist of Jindřich Chalupecký Award
Performing and theatre projects:
2014: ADUMBRATION OF THE ONCOMING FAILURE (… beyond the horizon
of our yearning still lies our present anticipation)_ 1. part_ <link http: _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>
The Third Lie_ Meetfactory_ <link http: _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>
A ME _ Tranzitdisplay_ <link http:>
Work 21. 3. Work in Progress _ Moravin gallery_ Brno
2013: The Citizen and The Thing _ work in progress project _ Meetfactory
<link http: _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>
To begin with, we can reformulate the exacting system of conditions
for an affirmative response of the type: ‘Yes! The true life is present’_ Ini Gallery _Prague
concept, choreography: Aleš Čermák, Petra Hauerová
2012: Citizen and Thing_ Performative lecture for two actors (first run)_ Research and Scientific
Library_ Hradec Králové _ CZ
Inscenation No. 3 Frivolous flirtingnow and then, now and then appears_ for one opera singer_ National gallery_ Prague_ CZ
Inscenation No. 2_ adaptation of text Zbyněk Baladrán (for 12. actors) ,,minus ten
anarchocommunism minutes“_ National gallery_ Prague_ CZ
Inscenation No. 1_ adaptation of text for 6. actors from book ,,Dog chasing a ziggzagging
rabbit“_ The Faculty of Law of the Charles University_ Prague_ CZ
Material Var. 4 ,, AUTHOR,, Chinese Restaurant ,,Jin Xing Ge,, _ Prague_ CZ
Choreography I._1. Part: Wait To Wait 2. Part_ Conclusion: Extended_ Duncan Centre
Conservatory_ <link http:> - Prague_ CZMaterial Var. 2 as an distribution of Material Var. 1 – reading , with Klára Doležálková, Jakub Kovařík_ _Prague
Choreography I. Conclusion: Extended – reader: Filip Jakš / Tranzitdisplay gallery - Prague
Guide_ collaboration Jiří Skála, curator Filip Jakš_ Topičův Salon_ Prague
Could be work_ in coperation with Klara Jirkova – Pavilon gallery_ Prague
Select of solo exhibitions:
2014: The Real Gatekeepers_ galerie Armaturka_ Ústí nad Labem_ CZ
2013: Why think about the future? Will the world as we know it last forever? vitrina Deniska
Olomouc_ CZ
Hodina o které jsme o sobě nevěděli_ galerie SPZ_ Praha_ CZ
Notes for Women (Ausdruck Books)_ INI gallery_ Praha_ CZ
Untitled (in collaboration Jiří Skála)_ galerie Jelení_ Praha_ CZ
2012: Herakleitos in Love_ Fotograf gallery_ Prague_ CZ
2011: Konkurence protismyslů_ Hot dock gallery_ Bratislava_ SK
2009: Story without end (chaps)_ gallery Pavilon_ Prague_ CZ
Three Situations_ experimental space 100m3_ Mělnik_ CZ
Select of group exhibitions:
2014: Walking, Running, Dancing, Grasping, Fetching or Carrying_ galerie Nod_ Praha_ Cz
9th International Biennial of photography and visual art in Liege_ BE
2013: Chalupecky Award_ National gallery_ Praha_ CZ
2013: Hi5 – dům umění města Brna_ Brno_ CZ
2012: Rookie_ Galeria Miejska Arsenał_ Poznaň_ PL
Linguistic Circle_ Slovenský institut_ Prague_ CZ
2011: Live Ammo_ Museum of Contemporary Art_ MOCA, Taipei, Taiwan
2010: Czech Point _ XIV. Biennale Internazionale di Scultura di Carrara_ Gum gallery_ Italy
Transgression_ videotage_ Hong Kong
Trial (our house) / Trial trail_ Akademie der bildenden Künste_ Wien
It is not my intention to use this residential stay to fully realize, from its beginning to its end, any particular project on the M. Q. grounds. Instead I would like to focus on continuing to work on my work-in-progress project entitled Adumbration of the oncoming failure (… beyond the horizon of our yearning still lies our present anticipation) <link http: _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>
It is a multifaceted project whose final form will be presented to the public at the end of 2015. The first part of this work was introduced on 29 October, 2014. According to my working definition this work is a "social choreography or social constellation". The project's content is using cooperation to search for an ideal form. The resultant form is therefore not given in the beginning, and there is no prescribed procedure. The main topic of this project is body – corporeality. Body as a tool. Constellation of bodies reflecting the ever changing constellation of competences. Using otherness to demonstrate ways in which power penetrates the bodies of the subjects as well as the forms of their everyday lives.
is the name of the second episode of a project called The Premonition of the Oncoming Failure.
This performative event thematizes one of the ways refugees and illegal immigrants cross borders from one state to another. These people, who have lost all their rights and who – in order to be able to hard-headedly examine their situation – do not try to accept their new national identity at all costs, gain a lot by doing this even though the price for it is high. History is no longer a closed book for them and politics seizes to be a privilege of those (Perfect one) who are worthy of the world´s creation.
Refugees in conditions of an unstoppable decline are perhaps the only representative of people.