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Sergej Lebedew

Sergej Lebedew

Bereich: Literatur

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Empfehlende Institution



Juni 2014 - Juni 2014

Sergej Lebedew, Autor von drei Romanen, ist Journalist und Redakteur der Moskauer Zeitschrift Pervoe sentjabrja (Erster September). Er wurde 1981 in Moskau geboren und war viele Jahre auf geologischen Expeditionen im Norden Russlands und in Zentralasien unterwegs, bevor er zu schreiben anfing. Sein Romandebüt Der Himmel auf ihren Schultern stand auf der Long-List des russischen Nazbest-Preises 2011. Zuvor sind in Russland seine Gedichte, Essays und journalistischen Texte erschienen.


Historical investigations about WWI and WWII, collecting materials for further works


In Vienna I had two different goals.
At first I was editing my novel about 90-th in Russia, about the roots of nowdays soviet rebirth. In this sense it was very interesting to compare Vienna and Moscow – I mean the atmosphere, the style of people's behavior, the relationship with the past in everyday life and culture.
Secondly I was collecting some materials for my further project – it will be closely connected with history of WWI and WWII. So I was researching information (in museums etc) how the points of this two wars was perfomed in Austrian society, what was the conscience of the time.
I do liked the stay in residence – sometimes you need to feel yourself out of the usual context, but not at the peopleless island. Different language, different style of life and even different architecture helps to find additional sources of thoughts and inspiration.

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