Vladimir Lorchenkov
Bereich: Literatur
Key Facts
Moldau, Russische FörderationBereich
KishinevEmpfehlende Institution
Februar 2013 - März 2013Vladimir Lorchenkov, Jahrgang 1979, ist Autor und Journalist und hat verschiedene Auszeichnungen erhalten, darunter den Russischen Literaturpreis für Milch und Honig. Er lebt mit seiner Familie in Chisinâu und sagt über sich selbst: »Mit zwei Dingen ist bei mir immer zu rechnen: Bücher und Unannehmlichkeiten. Ich schreibe viel und glaube an Gott. Manchmal ist er sauer auf mich, und dann höre ich auf, an ihn zu glauben. Gewöhnlich versöhnen wir uns zu Weihnachten wieder.«
(Atrium Verlag)
Vladimir Lorchenkov was born in 1979.
A journalist and and prose writer, he was shortlisted and won numerous literary prizes, including Debut Literary Prize and Russian Literary Prize (for fiction written in Russian by authors living outside Russia). Vladimir Lorchenkov is the author of nine published books.
He lives with his wife and small son in Kishinev, Moldova.
(Goumen&Smirnova Literary Agency)
Dear friends from the MuseumQuartier!
Let me to thank you for giving me the great opportunity to visit one of the most amazing cities in Europe.
In two months spent at quartier21/MQ like in my home, I have devoted all my free time for literature. Believe me – it’s a rare possibility in moldavians circumstances.
I have managed to write - from February to April - thirty short stories.
Some of them are published in Russian literary journals.
<link http: litbook.ru article _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>litbook.ru/article/6132/
<link http: litbook.ru article _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>litbook.ru/article/6424/
<link http: magazines.russ.ru volga _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>magazines.russ.ru/volga/2013/11/2l.html
<link http: magazines.russ.ru ural l5.html _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>magazines.russ.ru/ural/2013/5/l5.html
Also thanks to my residency I have had time to make all necessary corrections into my novel publishing this year in the United States
and France
<link http: mirobole-editions.com _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>mirobole-editions.com/1001moldavie/
But the ability / opportunity to do literature wasn’t the only thing I’ve received in this voyage. I am happy to spend some time in Vienna not as a tourist, but as a resident of this incredible city. Vienna for me now isn’t only the capital of Austria, but the center of the vast espace - which isn’t longer on the map - but which attracts the people from all over the world.
Dear friends. I am grateful also to you for your tact and respect. I was like at home in terms of comfort and calmness.