Viktor Kotun
Bereich: Konzeptkunst / Performance
Key Facts
Konzeptkunst / PerformanceWohnort
BudapestEmpfehlende Institution StiftungZeitraum
Juni 2013 - Juni 2013Kotun Viktor
born in Budapest, 1984 * lives and works in Budapest
2008 MA in communication theory,
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) faculty of arts, media department
2009-2012 DLA scholarship
Hungarian Fine Art Academy (MKE)
2008-2013 Artpool Art Research Institute
researcher of Fluxus, bookworks and 'zines
2008- Plágium2000 Active Archive Small Press
Selected exhibitions
2003 <link http: archivum _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>Gerilla Propaganda Non Stop Workshop, Dinamo, Bpest
2005 Street Art, Millenáris, Budapest (w/ Indyvisual group)
2006 <link http: programm ausstellung on-difference-2 _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>On Differnce #2, Kunstverein Stuttgart (w/ Kaszás Tamás)
2008 <link http: tavaszi indyvisual.html _blank external-link-new-window externen link in neuem>Dimensionist Present, Artpool P60, Budapest (w/ Indyvisual)
2008 Colouring, Hungarian Institute, Bratislava (w/ Kangiszer D.)
2009 Colouring, Forma Festival, Sturovo (w/ Kangiszer Dóra)
2010 Stand up, Hungarian avantgarde!, 1x1 billboard, Budapest (w/ Indyvisual)
2010 Tabu Script, kArton gallery, Budapest – Sofia (w/ArtFaceAgency group)
2012 New Poetry, New Paintings, Liget Gallery, Budapest (w/Hajdu Zsolt)
I’m writing my DLA thesis about the Reconstruction Practice of Neoavantgarde Works. I am writing about the black hole of art history which still sucks in the avantgardists under the stalinist regime. I analyze various examples of contemporary activities reconstructing underrepresented works and trying to bring them alive.