Helena Friman
Bereich: Kulturvermittlung / Theorie
Key Facts
Kulturvermittlung / TheorieWohnort
StockholmEmpfehlende Institution
Büro für KulturvermittlungZeitraum
Jänner 2004 - Jänner 2004· Teacher 1962
· Master of arts, 1967, history, literature and Scandinavian languages
· Stockholm City Museum, 1967 – 1993, Head of Education 1978
· Skansen Stockholm, Head of Cultural Departement 1995 – 1996
· Stockholm Cultural Capital 1998, Stockholm Education1996 – 1998
· Stockholm Education, projectleader, freelance 1999 –
1992 – 1998 Secretary of the Swedish National ICOM Committee
* Barn i stan/Children in the city
1900 to 1980
Stockholm 1979, new editions 1983, 1989 and 1990, (six authors)
* Skolbarn/Schoolchildren
The growth of a peoples education
Stockholm 1985, (five authors)
* Storstadsungdom/
Young in Stockholm
- in four generations
Stockholm 1991, (five authors)
*The city – a living museum/
Staden ett levande museum
Stockholm 1982, (two writers)
* The blockmakers house/
Blockmakarens hus
1982, also editor
New edition 1997
* Elva Stockholmsvandringar/
Eleven Stockholm walks
Stockholm 1987, (three authors)
New edition 1989
* Tolv stockholmsvandringar/
Twelve Stockholm walks
Stockholm 1998, also editor
* Morfar hus - om att se det förflutna/Grandfathers house – to see the past
Stockholm 1996. English Summary
* Djur på stan/City Animals
Stockholm 1998
Films and Television Programmes
* Barn i stan/Children in the city
1982 – 83 Manuscript for a series of three films for Swedish Television
* Blockmakarens hus
1983 – 1984 A videofilm
* Museet i staden/A museum in the city
1992, A videofilm about the museum education in the city of Stockholm
* Helena på stan/Helena in town
1997 – 2001, 40 short films in/about Stockholm for Swedish Television
Education Channel. Ongoing
* Museums, keyworkers and lifelong learning: shared practice in five countries
About a project funded by the SOCRATES Adult Education Programmme of the EU
Vienna 2001