Inna Schewtschenko & Elsa Okazaki: Peace Plan

Inna Schewtschenko & Elsa Okazaki: Peace Plan

Installation at MQ Forecort, Heldenplatz and Burgring.

date: 24.02.2025 to 04.05.2025
place: MQ Forecourt

MQ AiR Open Studio February 2025

MQ AiR Open Studio February 2025

MQ Artists-in-Residence present their work in their studios

date: 25.02.2025
place: Artist-in-Residence Studios

Discussion event: Peace Plan

Discussion event: Peace Plan

With Inna Shevchenko and Shoura Hashemi, moderated by Christine Scheucher.

date: 05.03.2025
place: Raum D / Q21

Hurra*, wir lesen noch...

Hurra*, wir lesen noch...

Hurra*, wir lesen noch...

date: 08.03.2025
place: MQ Libelle

Open workshop in the mumok studio

Open workshop in the mumok studio

The art education studio at mumok is a place for creative exchange in a relaxed atmosphere.

date: 14.03.2025 to 13.06.2025
place: mumok

TQW DOC+ 2024/25

TQW DOC+ 2024/25

Forum for theorists on topics concerned with choreography, performance, body, art and politics at Tanzquartier Wien.

date: 14.03.2025
place: Tanzquartier Wien

KinderKulturParcours 2024

KinderKulturParcours 2024

date: 10.05.2025
place: Architekturzentrum Wien, Dschungel Wien, Kunsthalle Wien, Leopold Museum, mumok, ZOOM Kindermuseum, MQ Main Courtyard