17.10.2024 to 19.02.2025 - KABINETT comic passage
Host: MQ Cultural Tenants
Shenja Schittkowski: Steine

Shenja Schittkowski: Steine
Exhibition & Booklet at KABINETTcomicpassage
Opening: Thu 17.10.2024, 18.30h
17.10. – 19.02.2025
"Steine" follows a young village punk in his attempt to resist right-wing terror in post-reunification East Germany. The comic tells a story of buried memories in a culture of repression. Shenja Schittkowski created the storyboard for the comic during her residency at MQ.
Shenja Schittkowski lives and works in Berlin. She completed her master's degree in illustration in the comics class at HAW Hamburg. Her stories mix essayistic, personal narratives and absurd observations of urban scenarios with influences from political and sociological theory.