Alfred Schmeller - The Museum as a Flashpoint

Alfred Schmeller - The Museum as a Flashpoint

When Alfred Schmeller became the second director of the 20er Haus—today’s mumok—in 1969, after Werner Hofmann left for Hamburg, he had already enjoyed a long and varied career. He was director of the Art Club and had worked as a critic for many years, before then working as the state art restorer for Vienna and the Burgenland.

date: 01.10.2019 to 16.02.2020
place: mumok

Dorit Margreiter - Really!

Dorit Margreiter - Really!

Das mumok bereitet für Frühjahr 2019 eine umfassende Einzelausstellung der in Wien lebenden Künstlerin Dorit Margreiter vor. Margreiters Interesse gilt den Verbindungen von visuellen Systemen und räumlichen Strukturen, dem Verhältnis von Gegenwart und Geschichte, sowie jenem von Realität, Repräsentation und Fiktion.

date: 01.10.2019 to 06.10.2019
place: mumok

Vertigo - Op Art and a History of Deception 1520–1970

Vertigo - Op Art and a History of Deception 1520–1970

Of all the pioneering art movements of the 1960s, Op art and kinetic art seem to have been accorded the least recognition. Often they were depreciatingly seen as too spectacular and thus superficial. Wrongly so, since Op art and kinetic art sharpen our awareness of the ambiguous nature of reality.

date: 01.10.2019 to 20.10.2019
place: mumok

Nikita Kadan - Project of Ruins

Nikita Kadan - Project of Ruins

The work of Nikita Kadan (born 1982 in Kiev) centers on his artistic exploration of post-communist social and political developments, and their origins and causes in the Soviet system.

date: 01.10.2019 to 06.10.2019
place: mumok

Heimrad Bäcker - it is possible that they won’t kill us and they might allow us to live

Heimrad Bäcker - it is possible that they won’t kill us and they might allow us to live

In 2015 the photographic estate of Heimrad Bäcker, author and editor, was given to mumok as a gift, and since then the museum has held more than 14,000 items including photographs, negatives, notes, plans, text works, and found items—all a witness to the artist’s lifelong critical and artistic exploration of the theme of the Holocaust.

date: 01.10.2019 to 16.02.2020
place: mumok

Friedrich Kiesler - Endless House

Friedrich Kiesler - Endless House

In January 2017 the collectors Gertraud and Dieter Bogner gave a very special gift to mumok—approximately thirty works by the Austrian-American architect, artist, stage designer, designer, and theorist Friedrich Kiesler.

date: 01.10.2019 to 25.08.2021
place: mumok

mumok Kino: Jill Johnston

mumok Kino: Jill Johnston

Jill Johnston (1929-2010)—cultural critic, auto/biographer, and lesbian icon—was renowned as a writer on dance, especially on the developments around Judson Dance and the 1960s downtown New York City scene, and later as the author of the radical feminist classic Lesbian Nation (1973).

date: 02.10.2019
place: mumok

Seated Tour

Seated Tour

Every Saturday mumok offers tours while seating. You can watch and listen relaxed, ask questions and add some aspects.

date: 05.10.2019 to 28.12.2019
place: mumok

Tour in English

Tour in English

Every saturday mumok offers special tours through the current exhibition as well as the collection presentation in English.

date: 05.10.2019 to 28.12.2019
place: mumok

Straight Through mumok

Straight Through mumok

Guided tours through the mumok exhibitions.

date: 06.10.2019 to 29.12.2019
place: mumok

Anita Leisz - Kapsch Contemporary Art Prize 2019

Anita Leisz - Kapsch Contemporary Art Prize 2019

Her minimal artistic practice cannot be reduced to a clearly defined medium or singular reading, nor to any specific, spatial situation, and this is what makes her work so attractive. She offers options to her audience which may shift according to spatial conditions.

date: 18.10.2019 to 23.02.2020
place: mumok

mumok Kino: Loretta Fahrenholz / Two A.M. (2019)

mumok Kino: Loretta Fahrenholz / Two A.M. (2019)

For the last three years Loretta Fahrenholz has been working on the feature-length version of Two A.M. (2019) which will now be shown in Vienna for the first time.

date: 23.10.2019
place: mumok